Saturday, June 18, 2011

In-Service Training

After the first trimester of school, we had IST (in-service training). Our training was held in Kibuye a town located in the west of Rwanda, on Lake Kivu. Kibuye was a charming small town overlooking the lake. During training we reflected on our first trimester teaching along with the first couple of months at site. We talked about problems and successes, dealing with isolation, cultural differences, stress, etc. We got to share lesson plans, discuss coping strategies and help congratulate each other on completing our first trimester of teaching and living on our own in our villages.  Some members from the Rwandan Ministry of Education came and we got to ask them questions about some of the problems that we observed at our schools.  The Ministry of Education also outlined some expectations they have for us.   We also had different seminars on teaching, peer support and an introduction into secondary projects. The last day of our training we got to take a boat to Amahoro Island (Peace Island) and spend some time relaxing in the sun next to the water. 

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