Sunday, July 3, 2011

On the side....

I have managed to keep myself busy with some small projects on the side from my main task of teaching at the Secondary School. I have started the process for an after school English Club for students who are interested in practicing their language skills outside of class in a less formal setting. I am teaching Nurses twice a week at the local hospital trying to form the beginning of an Adult Education Program. I also spend some of my free time at the Nursery School that was just started. The children and teachers from the various Primary schools also always invite me to visit and the children love to play with my hair and touch my skin. They sing songs for me and recite in unison “Good morning teacher I am fine thank you, how are you? I am fine thank you.” The children are really cute and instantly put me in a good mood. It’s hard to feel bad when you have 25 kids smiling at you begging to hold your hand. Although I am getting busy, the lack of electricity in my village still makes a 7:30 bedtime unavoidable.